So, you want to write for LeakTown? We’d love to publish your guest post. LeakTown has experienced incredible growth. You can submit for consideration an original article which is not already published anywhere else, even on your own website with content based on your personal experiences and/or professional expertise, and we will review article, we will publish if accepted. We reserve rights to accept or reject any article without any reason.
Here are a few guidelines to follow:
- We only accept in-depth, practical and useful blog posts with relevant media files.
- You post must be related to one of the categories already present.
- You are allowed to link to anything useful and relevant, but please avoid any affiliate or self-promotional links.
- The bio should be not more than 3-4 sentences.
- Send your guest post in HTML format. Posts should have a basic structure and are at least broken down into paragraphs.
- When you’re ready, submit it below. We’ll respond as soon as we can.