Kevin David Lehmann Net Worth

$2 Billion         |         Rank #1292

Who is Kevin David Lehmann

The company got its start in 1973 when Goetz Werner opened his first shop in Karlsruhe, Germany. Today, dm has some 3,700 locations.
In 1974, Kevin David Lehmann’s father, Guenther, then running his family’s Pfannkuch grocery chain, invested in dm.
Guenther transferred ownership of his 50% dm stake to Kevin David in 2017.
Neither Kevin David nor his father have been operationally involved in dm. Little is known about them. Kevin David Lehmann is from those few lucky persons who were born rich. He has inherited most of the part of his Wealth. Which leads to the fact that it was comparatively easy for Kevin David Lehmann to make it into the worldwide list of billionaires and is among the wealthiest persons on earth. He is currently 19.0 years old. Kevin David Lehmann owns 50% of Germany’s leading drugstore chain, dm (drogerie markt), which brings in over $12 billion in annual revenue. As of today, Kevin David Lehmann’s net worth is roughly 2 Billion.

Facts about Kevin David Lehmann

Net Worth: 2 Billion
Billionaire Rank: 1292
Age: 19.0
Date of Birth: 01-09-02
Gender: Male
Currently Living in: nan, nan, nan
Birth Place: Germany
Source of Wealth: drugstores

To find out what is Kevin David Lehmann Net Worth, how he got there and what is Kevin David Lehmann Salary Per Day, Career, Biography and Childhood details, continue reading below.

Early Life of Kevin David Lehmann

Kevin David Lehmann was born on 01-09-02 in Germany. But soon moved to nan, nan in the city of nan and spent most of the career building here. Goetz Werner transferred his 50% of dm to a charitable foundation. His son Christoph, a member of dm’s management board since 2011, now manages the company. The dm philosophy, that ensuring employee well being brings greater long-term success for the company, is well known in German-speaking countries.

Kevin David Lehmann net worth is estimated at 2 Billion Billion to date.


Kevin David Lehmann drugstores
Kevin David Lehmann Net Worth

Professional Journey

You will see him often in social media.  Kevin David Lehmann owns 50% of Germany’s leading drugstore chain, dm (drogerie markt), which brings in over $12 billion in annual revenue. There was a time when he would have embraced the change that was coming.  He is one of the persons who are always trending in news. Goetz Werner transferred his 50% of dm to a charitable foundation. His son Christoph, a member of dm’s management board since 2011, now manages the company. In his youth, he was adventurous but unknown, but that was years ago. The company got its start in 1973 when Goetz Werner opened his first shop in Karlsruhe, Germany. Today, dm has some 3,700 locations.
In 1974, Kevin David Lehmann’s father, Guenther, then running his family’s Pfannkuch grocery chain, invested in dm.
Guenther transferred ownership of his 50% dm stake to Kevin David in 2017.
Neither Kevin David nor his father have been operationally involved in dm. Little is known about them. He learnt to find the excitement that came with change. That curiosity had long left him to where he had come to loathe anything that put him out of his comfort zone. Kevin David Lehmann owns 50% of Germany’s leading drugstore chain, dm (drogerie markt), which brings in over $12 billion in annual revenue.
It will not be wrong if we say that Kevin David Lehmann is one of the granted billionaires who inherited most part of the wealth and stands at 1292 in most wealthiest persons in the world.


Here are a few most frequently asked questions about Kevin David Lehmann:

How much is Kevin David Lehmann worth?

Kevin David Lehmann’s net worth is estimated to be 2 Billion.

How old is Kevin David Lehmann?

Kevin David Lehmann was born on 01-09-02, and is currently 19.0 years old.

What is Kevin David Lehmann source of income?

Kevin David Lehmann acquires most part of his wealth from drugstores.

Concluding Kevin David Lehmann Net Worth

Currently with a net worth of 2 Billion, Kevin David Lehmann stands at 1292 in the world billionaires list. And draws most of his wealth from drugstores. Hope you like this information about Kevin David Lehmann. If you like this, then please share it with your friends. This above post is all about the estimated worth of Kevin David Lehmann. Do you have any queries? Feel free to ask via comment section.


Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this is an estimated net worth of Kevin David Lehmann. Actual worth may vary a little. You can always get information by checking out